
Most Popular TW dramas:
*終極一班 / K.O One.
*惡作劇之吻 / It Started With A Kiss
*惡魔在身邊 / Devil Beside You.
*熱情仲夏 / Summer X Summer.
*花樣少年少女 / Hana Kimi.
*轉角遇到愛 / Corner With Love.
*東方茱麗葉/ Tokyo Juliet.
*王子變青蛙 / Prince Turns to Frog.
*愛情魔法師 / Magicians of Love.
*愛情合約 / Love Contract.
*薔薇之戀 / The Rose.
*微笑pasta / Smiling Pasta.
*真命天女 / Reaching for the Stars.
*天外飛仙 / Fairies from Wonderland.
*愛情白皮書 / Tomorrow.
*狂愛龍捲風 / Love Storm.
*海豚愛上貓 / When Dolphin met Cat.
*深情密碼 / Silence.
*愛情魔戒 / Magic Ring.
*流星花園I / Meteor Garden I
*流星花園II / Meteor Garden II
*密桃女孩 / Peach Girl.
*橘子酱男孩 / Marmalade Boy.
*我們结婚吧 / Marry Me.
*惡男宅急電 / Express Boy.
*求婚事務所 / Say yes Enterprise.
*愛情經紀約 / Engagement for Love.
*戰神 / Mars.
*鬥魚 / The Outsiders.
*雪天使 / Snow Angel.
*愛殺17 / Bump off Lover
*地下鐡 / Sound of Colours.
*七年級生 / Seventh Grade.
*剪刀石頭布 / A Game about Love.
*原味的夏天 / Original Scent of Summer.
*海豚灣戀人 / At Dolphin Bay.
*天國的嫁衣 / La Robe De Mariee des Cieux
*我的秘密花園 / Secret Garden.
*雪地裡的星星 / Starry Starry Night.
*十八歲的約定 / True Love 18.
*MVP情人 / My Mvp Valentine.
*綠光森林 / Green Forest, My Home.
*白色巨塔 / The Hospital.
*格鬥天王 / Mr. Fighting.
*撞球小子 / Nine Ball.
*西街少年 / Westside Story.
*極道學園 / Goku dou High School.
*極速傳說 / The Legend of Speed.
*白袍之戀 / White Robe of Love.
*放羊的星星 / My Lucky Star
*換換愛 / Why Why Love.
*18 禁不禁
*櫻野 3 加 1 / Ying Ye 3+1
*終極一家 / The X-Family.
*黑糖瑪奇朵 / Brown Sugar Machiatto
*公主小妹 / /Romantic Princess.
*美味關係 / Sweet Relationship.
*鬥牛 . 要不要 / Bull-Fighting.
*愛情兩好三壞 / Full Count
Popular 2007 TVB Dramas:
"The Brink of Law"
"Heavenly In-Laws"
"Devil's Disciples"
"Best Bet"
"The Slicing of the Demon"
"Life Art"
"Heart of Greed"
"A Change of Destiny"
"The Family Link"
"On the First Beat"
"The Green Grass of Home"
"Phoenix Rising"
"The Drive of Life"
"Fathers and Sons"
"Men Don't Cry"
"The Ultimate Crime Fighter"
"Word Twisters' Adventures"
"Marriage of Inconvenience"
"The Building Blocks of Life"
"Legend of the Demigods"
Upcoming TVB Dramas:
*Speech of Silence / 甜言蜜語 2008-Jun-23
(Kate Tsui, Kenneth Ma, Claire Yiu)
* The Gem of Life / 珠光寶氣 2008-Oct
(Ada Choi, Moses Chan, Bosco Wong)
* The Beauty of Versatility / 玉面玲瓏
(Ada Choi, Shirley Yeung, Bernice Liu)
* Legend of the Demigods . 搜神傳
(Sunny Chan, Linda Chung, Benny Chan)
* The Slicing of the Demon / 凶城計中計
(Sunny Chan, Bernice Liu, Michael Tse)
* Cordial Heroes / 真心英雄
(Roger Kwok, Patrick Tang, Yoyo Mung)
* Last One Standing / 與敵同行
(Roger Kwok, Yoyo Mung, Kevin Cheng)
* The Four / 少年四大名捕
(Raymond Lam, Kenneth Ma, Ron Ng)
* Man in Charge / 幕後大老爺
(Kenneth Ma, Kate Tsui, Leila Tong)
* When a Dog Loves a Cat / 當狗愛上貓
(Gallen Lo, Myolie Wu, David Lui)
Upcoming TW Dramas:
"Hot Shot" / 籃球火
2008-Jul (Jerry Yan, Alan Luo, Wu Chun)
"Police et vous" / 波麗士大人
(Lan Cheng Long, Lin Yo Wei)
"Jian Dao. Ai" / 劍道.愛
(Evan Yo, Yang Ya Zhu, JR, Lee Kang Yee)
"Qi Lin Guan Zhi Lian" / 麒麟館之戀
(Megan Lai, Chen Yi Rong)
"The Clue Collector" / 霹靂MIT
(Aaron Yan, Gui Gui, Lu Ting Wei, Huang Hong Sheng)
"Xing Fu Bu Shou" / 幸福捕手
(Shi Yi Nan, Yuki Hsu, Tang Zhi Ping)
"Pi Zi Ying Xiong" / 痞子英雄
(Vic Zhou, Mark Zhao )
"The Bad Campus Belle" / 不良笑花
(Rainie Yang, Will Pan)
"Starlit" / 星心的淚光
(Jerry Yan, Terri Kwan, Alice Ceng)
"Hei Tang Qun Xia Zhuan" / 黑糖群俠傳
(Wang Zi, Ya Tou, Xiao Xun, Ah Wei, Xiao Yu)
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