My Favourite anime†Ω† Claymore †Ω†

In a world constantly haunted by demonic predators known as "Youma", the everyday life of humans is full of fear and suspicion, as these monsters easily blend into human society to hunt their hapless prey. However, in this world, there is also a mysterious organization, employing half-human, half-Youma warriors to effectively track down and kill the demons. Called "silver eyed witches" or "Claymores" after the huge Claymore swords they carry, these female warriors are eyed with suspicion and distrust by most because of their inhuman powers.
This story follows the fate of Clare, one of the Claymore operatives as she sails deeper and deeper down the currents of conspiracies and revenge.

Number 47 of the 78th class, a offensive type Claymore. Clare journeys from city to city, taking on Yoma hunting missions given by the organization. On one such hunt, she meets the boy Raki, who is thrown out of his village after it is revealed that a Yoma masqueraded as his brother. For some reason, Clare allows Raki to travel along with her, and the two are slowly weaved into a story of revenge and treachery.

Living in his peaceful village like any ordinary boy, Raki's life is changed forever when most of his family is killed by a Yoma. When the "Claymore" Clare arrives in Raki's town to kill the Yoma, it turns out the Yoma camouflaged itself as Raki's older brother after killing the other family members. After killing the Yoma and saving Raki, Clare leaves the town. However, the superstitious villagers throws Raki out, fearing that he might turn into a Yoma himself after being so close to one. Raki follows Clare, and is eventually allowed to accompany her as her cook. But the true hardships has not yet begun for Clare and Raki...
He begins learning swordsman ship under Isley of the north to become strong enough to help Clare, and is shown traveling with an unidentified girl after the timeskip, and is powerful enough to kill Youma single handedly.

Teresa "Teresa of the Faint Smile"
The number one of the 77th class of Claymores, "Teresa of the faint smile" was renowned as one of the most powerful Claymores of her time, capable of reading the Youki energy flowing from her enemies and thus predict and evade any moves made by Yoma or other Claymores. Utilizing this energy reading ability, Teresa could kill most Yoma without releasing any of her own Youki powers, earning her the nickname, as her face never distorted during battle, always displaying a faint smile when killing off her enemies.
Teresa eventually developed a close bond to Clare, who started following her after Teresa killed the Yoma that had held her captive, and the subsequent events would prove to be fateful for both Teresa
and Clare.

Irene "Quick Sword"
Claymore number three (before Priscilla number two) of the 77th generation, she is known as "Quick Sword Irene", capable of lashing out innumerable lightning fast sword strokes by accumulating all her Youki energy in her sword arm.

Galatea "God Eye"
Claymore number three of the seventyeight generation, Galatea acts as the organization's eye because of her superb Youki sensing ability. Galatea can sense not only the size of the Youki of her targets, but also their emotions and actions, from a long distance. Her ability can also be used offensively, as she is able to control other Youki users by channeling the energy inside them to serve her own will.
After the seven year timeskip it is revealed she hid in Rabona and cut her own eyes to avoid being noticed as a former warrior for the organization working as a nun for the orphanage. Incidentally this enhanced her yoki sensing abilities beyond what they were before.

Miria "Phantom Miria"
Number 6 of the 78th generation, Miria is nicknamed "Phantom Miria" because of her ability to leave mirror images of herself when she moves at maximum speed. She appears as the leader of the awakened-hunting squad Clare is assigned to, and has much experience hunting the monsters, as well as a keen tactical sense, which will prove to be an important asset on later occasions. However, her keen mind may not just be a blessing, as it is her suspicion and curiosity that earns her the label of possible troublemaker by the organization.

After losing her family to a Yoma attack, Priscilla decided to fight all she considered evil in the world. After joining the Organization, she quickly rose to rank no2, and even then she was said to still hold more powers, perhaps holding more potentional than any other Claymore before her. Like Teresa, Priscilla had the ability to fight with great power even without using her Youki, thus making her a dangerous opponent for anyone relying on reading the flow of Youki.
Priscilla was one of the four Claymores sent to execute Teresa when she strayed from the organization, but the catastrophic outcome of the battle spawned one of the most fearsome beings to ever haunt the world.

Riful "Riful of The West"
Claymore number one of the first generation of female Claymores, Riful was also the youngest Claymore to become an awakened being. Settling in the Western lands, she is known as the Abyssal one of the West, and seems to be a rival of the Abyssal one of the north. She acts cheerful and whimsical, but happily tortures captured Claymores, attempting to make them awaken and become her "friends". She is usually seen with her henchman Dauf.
She also is the one who discovers the truth behind Isley & Priscilla's relationship, also that Priscilla is stronger than her or Isley.
Currently she is seeking a yoki manipulator to help her out with something she found "interesting' that could help overthrow Isley.

Number two of the seventysixth generation, Rafaela and her older sister were the subjects of one of the organizations experiments. The experiment ended in a horrible failure, in which Rafaela lost her eye, and she left the organization as an inactive Claymore. After a certain event, her skills were needed once more, and she became number five of the seventyeight class, acting as an assassin for the organization.

Isley "White Silver King"
Isley is a male Awakened being, ex Number 1 of the Organizations very first generation of warriors. When in his transformed state he resembles a sleek, black centaur whose right arm can act as a lance or axe and the left as a bow or shield. He fires homing arrows with great skill.
Isley initiated the Northern campaign in order to kill Luciela and take over the south and become an unrivaled power by destroying the possibility of an alliance between Riful and Luciela against him and Priscilla. Isley sacrificed his awakened followers to distract the organization and Riful, while he went south to eliminate Luciela. The organization sent 24 claymores to slow down Isley's allies, while they prepared Alicia for controlled awakening.
During the North campaign, he finds Raki and takes him in. Later when Raki compliments him on his skills with a sword, Isley agrees to become Raki's teacher and begins to instruct him in swordsmanship. Isley comments that Raki reminds him a lot of how he was in his own youth. Isley now resides in his newly conquered territory of the south with Priscilla.
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